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As a registered charity, community and business relationships are essential to us. We have a wealth of advertising, sponsorship, brand awareness, employee reward and corporate hospitality opportunities. We are keen to foster relationships that will enable businesses to enhance their commercial objectives and meet their corporate social responsibility goals.

Through our Festival and across two venues, we welcome audiences of over 250,000 to see our work every year. Our active social media platforms reach over 45,000 people and printed materials reach a further 100,000. We also have over 1,000 supporters who actively engage with and financially support our work.

Wiltshire Creative has a wide range of advertising and collaboration packages so that businesses of all sizes can work with us, supporting and engaging in the creative enrichment of our local and wider community, whilst also hitting their corporate goals and growing their business . Through our extensive networks and creative marketing and PR campaigns we are placing Salisbury and Wiltshire on the national and international stage, raising the profile of the South West and reaching new customers, clients and future employees for our business partners who advertise with us and sponsor our work.

We are keen to engage new strategic collaborations, advertising and sponsorship partnerships at all levels so please contact us at