
We are committed to the principles of sustainability. We will reduce our environmental impact whilst improving our sustainability performance.

To achieve these objectives the key areas of our sustainability strategy are;

  • Ensure compliance with environmental legislation that is relevant to the company.
  • Define and track our environmental impacts and select appropriate reduction activities.
  • Manage consumption of gas and electricity, taking suitable steps to reduce energy use. Where appropriate use sustainable/alternative energy.
  • Reduce water consumption.
  • Minimise waste production and improve recycling.
  • Report results to Arts Council England through Julie’s Bicycle.
  • Encourage the use of public transport systems for business related travel. Reduce the need for non-essential travel and encourage staff to choose low/no carbon transport when travelling to work.
  • Ensure our suppliers are aware of our sustainability policy.
  • Any purchased products will ensure sustainability.
  • Ensure our staff are aware of our sustainability programme. Enlist their support in improving the company’s environmental performance.
  • Our policy will be reviewed and updated annually.


Wiltshire Creative is proud to announce that we are joining forces with other arts, cultural and community organisations in the UK to declare a climate and ecological emergency.

Our Declaration

For a number of years our planet has been stressed by the relentless depletion of its natural resources, which is having a significant negative impact on the planet’s ecosystems and biodiversity. Being aware of the science of climate change and of the unnecessary over-exploitation of many of the planet’s resources, Wiltshire Creative declares a climate and ecological emergency.

We pledge to work with and support our communities in Wiltshire and surrounding areas to address this emergency. We call on other organisations to do the same.

Our Sustainable Achievements

Wiltshire Creative is committed to change. We have a dedicated Sustainability committee that monitors our impacts and helps to keep a focus on sustainability awareness.

Since 2010/11 we have reduced our annual carbon emissions on electricity by 36.9 tonnes and gas by 24.5 tonnes giving a total reduction of 61.4 tonnes (21.7%).

Our water consumption has decreased by 32%, an average saving of 636 cubic metres per year over the same period and our waste management programme ensures that over 98% of our waste is now diverted from landfill.

We are committed to managing our use of resources as part of a continual improvement strategy.

We have an awareness campaign to promote sustainability throughout our business and encourage sustainable best practice at home.

Our Future Goals

Wiltshire Creative will regularly assess its environmental performance with the aim of;

Achieving, by 2025, net zero CO2 emissions from gas and electricity by using renewable energy and carbon offsetting.

Ensuring, where possible, resources are from sustainable sources and that we achieve 100% fair and ethical trading in our activities.

Reducing our waste to landfill to zero by 2025.

Encouraging our customers to use low carbon transport to our venues.

Having an open culture of improving awareness and sharing of information.

Ensuring Sustainability is a noted topic at all internal business meetings.

Through our creative work we will communicate with people to promote discussion and understanding and support them to respond positively to the real effects of climate change. We will actively challenge ourselves to address the negative impacts we have on the planet’s resources. National and local government departments must also be challenged to continue to drive carbon output to net zero emissions by 2050.