News Story
This week on our Instagram (@youngwiltscreative, if you don't follow it check it out!) we have been highlighting #DiscoverCreativeCareers week. As a producing theatre we have many creative highly skilled professional from carpenters, technicians, digital designer, directors, producers and freelance artists who join the team to create the quality productions you see on our stages.
In July we welcomed 17 young people from 5 different schools to our creative careers week. This work experience opportunity gave the young people a detailed insight into the many other creative careers. They engaged with producing, technical and costume workshops, speed interviews with our staff and designed, created and delivered tasks for our Friday under 5s sessions.
Some of young people during that time also took part in a Bronze Arts Award. Arts Award is designed for young people to expand their own art form interest, dive into their local Arts Organisations, find out more about artists their practice and careers and be part of an audiences seeing and experiencing events.
All of the young people I am delighted to say have passed and achieved their Bronze Arts Awards which is recognised as a qualification, which they can use on education or job applications.
If you are interested in our creative careers opportunities or Arts Award please get in touch with